【2002年5月28日放映 アメリカNBC放送 "Dateline NBC"日本語翻訳】これは、silentlambs(沈黙する子羊達)で公開している情報です

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Inside sources reveal 23,720 child molesters on file at Jehovah's Witness headquarters in Patterson, New York


Recently, I was contacted by three different sources who claimed to have connected with people inside the headquarters of the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, located in Patterson , New York . These insiders provided my contacts with a computer data base number of 23,720 child molesters on file there. The files labeled as the “specialized shepherding arrangement” are a front for child abuse cases. Patterson is the location for the Service and Legal Departments of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, now calling itself the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses of New York, and it is in these two departments where these highly confidential files are kept. It is interesting to note the ramifications of this extraordinary number.


When a pedophile is revealed within a congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Body of Elders appoints two of their number to investigate the allegation to see if there is any substance to the charge. If the claim is established upon investigation, then the local Body of Elders appoints two of their number to call Watchtower's Legal Department to report the matter. The Legal Department representative then fills out a computerized form using a question and answer format over the telephone.


All details of the matter are recorded, including the date of birth of the pedophile; what occurred; the age of the victim; where, when, and how many times the victim was touched, etc.. These details are then put into a computer for permanent record and can be recalled at any time if there is a future infraction. At the end of a one to two hour interview, the spokesman in Legal then puts an in-house Watchtower attorney on the phone to determine if the State where the congregation is located is a reporting State. If it is, then the attorney will encourage the elders to request that parents, caregivers for the victim report the matter. If they do not want to do this, then the elders are required to do so. What if the molestation occurred in one of the thirty-six non-reporting States? Then the attorney will say, "Brothers your obligation has been fulfilled." At this point, in most cases, the matter is not reported.



The original brother will then list Body of Elders' letters discussing child molestation that the elders must review. He also gives instructions that if any new matters develop as to the accused, that is, if this person molests more children, the elders are to use the date of the first report as a reference point or the child molester's date of birth. This then means Watchtower's Legal Department can easily pull up the case on computer and add the new information.


The number of 23,720 is significant, to say the least. It could be that this may apply only to the USA . If that is the case, then that means one out of every forty-two Jehovah’s Witnesses is a child molester on file with Watchtower. If we apply this to the entire worldwide organization, then the figure would be one Jehovah’s Witness out of two hundred and sixty is a child molester on file at their headquarters. Do you think Catholics have such a high ratio of pedophile priests among their priesthood? If we applied a similar ratio to the number of Catholics in the USA at 60,000,000, it would mean there are 1,428,571 Catholic child molesters in this country. It would appear unrealistic to believe this type of ratio could exist in the Catholic Church. Yet with Jehovah’s Witnesses the ratio could be far worse when you consider that many Jehovah’s Witness child molesters may not be reported to Watchtower Legal. If two elders who investigate an allegation are not able to establish the matter at the mouth of "two eye witnesses" will the “specialized shepherding arrangement” see anything recorded at Patterson , New York ? Please note in the letter to all Body of Elders in England , dated June 1, 2001 , this comment:



ウェブ翻訳サービスによる「ALL BODIES OF ELDERS - June 1, 2001」

 "There are, however, many other situations that are connected with the abuse of a child. For example, there may be just one eyewitness, and the brother denies the allegation. (Deuteronomy 19:15; John 8:17) Then again, a young child might be abused by someone who himself is a minor, perhaps in his pre- or early-teens. In these and similar cases no entry will be made on the Child Protection List. Rather, information should be kept in a sealed envelope in the congregation's confidential file as described below. When such individuals move, the Congregation Service Committee should write a letter addressed to the Society's Legal Department seeking advice as to whether to communicate the details to the new congregation."

しかし、子供の虐待に関しては、他の多くの状況が関係してきます。たとえば、たった1人の目撃証人しかいないかもしれない状況で、その兄弟が申し立てを否定する場合などです。(申命記19:15、ヨハネ8:17)さらに自分自身が未成年(場合によっては10代かそれ以下)の子供が、誰か子供を虐待する場合もあります。これらの場合や類似の事件の場合、「子供の保護リスト」には何も記載されません。むしろ、情報は以下に書かれるように会衆の機密ファイルの中の封筒に密封された状態で保持されるべきです。 そのような人が引っ越すとき、会衆の奉仕委員会は、 協会の法律部門に手紙を書いて、新しい会衆に詳細を伝えるべきかどうか助言を求めるべきです。

This appears to indicate that the local congregations keep the information and only if the accused molester moves would any consideration be given to check with Watchtower Legal or even alerting the new congregation. Are these individuals considered part of the 23,720 molesters on file?


If not, then the logical conclusions would be that there are far more accused child molesters than the 23,720 on file who have either confessed or been convicted at the mouth of "two eye witnesses." Taking into account the number of 93,154 congregations worldwide, a conservative estimate would mean one child molester for every four congregations, based on the 23,720 figure.


If the 23,720 number is applied only to the United States , with 11,582 congregations nationwide, this would mean there are about two molesters per congregation.


Do you think Jehovah's Witnesses have a problem with child molesters? How many unreported child molesters are operating within the organization and are yet to be revealed? This number will only grow and continue to expose children to danger since Watchtower's policy of keeping molester's names confidential has created a "pedophile paradise."


One can only wonder how the FBI would react if they knew that such files of criminal activity exist, and that the majority of molestation accusations are not reported to the authorities for investigation. Finally, how easily could the American justice system handle prosecution of several thousand Jehovah's Witness pedophiles? These questions, as well as others, will become a factor when the “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses” is forced to reveal how many of the alleged 23,720 criminals are being protected by Watchtower policies.


2002年5月28日放映 アメリカNBC放送 "Dateline NBC"日本語翻訳

Transcript: Dateline NBC

注:トランスクリプトの音声部分は全て翻訳してありますが、ジングル(CM)場面説明、画像説明など、翻訳上不要(詳細すぎて混乱する)と思われる部分は省略してありますので、不明な部分の確認はDATELINE TRANSCRIPT(英文)側で確認してください。

また、番組では、Kingdom Hall(王国会館)と、church(教会)の両方の表現を使っていますので、言葉通りそのまま翻訳してあります。

SHOW: DatelineDATE: May 28, 2002



Announcer: From our studios in New York, here is Jane Pauley.

JANE PAULEY: Good evening. At some point it may stop being news--each timeanother person comes forward to say they were sexually abused as a child by atrusted religious figure--but not yet, though tonight it's not priests underfire. In fact, our story began long before the Catholic Church scandal brokelast January. The scenario of alleged abuse is much the same, but theconsequences of coming forward, for people whose faith was the center of theirlives, would be harsh and profound. Here's John Larson.

JOHN LARSON reporting:

In a small town like Othello, Washington, neighbors are often friends, andfriends like family. Which makes the story you're about to hear even morepainful. Because, for Erica Garza, who grew up here, there was no one closer,no one she trusted more than her parents' best friend.

(Othello; homes; Othello city limit sign; Erica Garza; Manuel Beliz)

Ms. ERICA GARZA: You would have never known by looking at him, or by the way heacted what he was doing on the side.

LARSON (Voiceover): What that friend, Manuel Beliz, was doing was molestingErica, sexually abusing her. She says it started when she was just five yearsold.

(Photo of Beliz; photo of Erica)

Ms. E. GARZA: I remember it just like it was yesterday.

LARSON: What was your reaction when he first started touching you?

Ms. E. GARZA: I didn't know any better.I just remember it hurt.

Ms. E. GARZA: Out of anything, I just remember the hurt.

LARSON (Voiceover): A hurt that grew, she says, because her molester pressuredher to keep it all a secret. And while that may not be surprising, this isn'ta story about a molester trying to stay in the shadows. This is a story aboutothers who may have played a role not only in Erica's abuse, but the abuse ofother victims as well.

Ms. E. GARZA: They didn't care about what had happened. Everything they didwas trying to hide the facts.

LARSON (Voiceover): Both Erica and her molester were members of the samechurch, Jehovah's Witnesses.

LARSON(Voiceover): Jehovah's Witnesses are evangelical Christians best-knownfor going door-to-door handing out Awake! magazine. Jehovah's Witnesses havesix million members worldwide, and some controversial rules--no birthdays orChristmas, no blood transfusions, no military service, no saluting theflag--all of which separates them, sometimes even isolates them from mainstreamAmerica. In fact, in the world of Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone outside thechurch--most of you watching tonight--are considered part of Satan's world, aworld which, as depicted in the church's literature, will be destroyed by God. True Jehovah's Witnesses, those who closely follow the church's rules, willsurvive to live forever on a perfect earth.

But now there are accusations that the church, run out of its headquarters inNew York, called the Watchtower Society, is covering up cases of childmolestation, protecting molesters and keeping secrets that put children atrisk. Consider what happened to Erica Garza. By the time she was 16, Erica'sfamily had moved away from Othello to a new home and new Kingdom Hall inCalifornia where one day she found the courage to tell her family her terriblesecret. And what did her father, Reuben Garza do? Report it to the police?

Mr. REUBEN GARZA: No. Never mentioned report it to the police.Take care of it in the congregation.

LARSON(Voiceover): Reuben Garza, who was one of the church's lay ministers, or`elders,' says that's precisely what Jehovah's Witness leaders had taught him. And so instead of going to the police, he and his wife, Alexandra, called theelders back in Othello.

(Photo of Reuben Garza; photo of Garza family)

LARSON: But let me say the obvious. I mean, your daughter's been raped. Didn't you think, `I've got to go to the cops?'

Ms. ALEXANDRA GARZA: That was my first reaction. But as a Witness, firstyou've got to go to the elders when you have a problem.

LARSON: (Voiceover) But the elders didn't go to the police, either. Why? Well,legally, they didn't have to. Only 16 states require clergy members to reportany and all suspected child abuse, and Washington state is not one of them. Instead, church elders opened their own internal investigation. It's one ofthe things that sets Jehovah's Witnesses apart from most other religiousgroups. The church has its own judicial system.

LARSON: Whenever a church member is accused of doing something wrong--whetherit's breaking a church rule like smoking, committing a sin like adultery, oreven committing a crime like rape--the local church appoints a specialcommittee of elders to investigate the charge. Now, if the accused is foundguilty, they can be reprimanded or, in worst cases, kicked out of the church,disfellowshipped, potentially cut off from their friends and family, losingtheir chance, they believe, at everlasting life. For a Jehovah's Witness,there can be no greater punishment.

(Voiceover) Erica Garza expected her molester would, at the very least, bedisfellowshipped. But after five months of waiting for the church in Othelloto act, she got angry and did the unthinkable.

Ms. E. GARZA: So I called my elders and I said, `Look, I'm taking it to thepolice.'

LARSON: What did they say?

Ms. E. GARZA: `Don't. Or else.'

LARSON: Or else what?

Ms. E. GARZA: That's what I said. I said, `Or else what?' And he said, `Justdon't.' I said, `What? I'll be disfellowshipped if I take it to the police? Is that what's going to happen to me?' And he said, `Yes. You will bedisfellowshipped.' And I was just, like, `What? You're going to disfellowshipme for being raped, yet they guy who raped me is still a Jehovah's Witness?'And they said, `Don't. Don't take it to the police. You will be condemned byGod.'

LARSON (Voiceover): It was October 1996, and Erica says she finally decidedwhatever the penalty, she had to go to the police. Following an investigation,Manuel Beliz was charged with molestation and rape.And the church? Erica says her California Kingdom Hall not only shunned her,but shunned her family as well.

LARSON: What happened?

Mr. GARZA: Was removed as an elder.

LARSON: So they kicked you out.

Mr. GARZA: Yes, they did.

LARSON (Voiceover): Erica felt abused, abandoned by her church and alone. Butwhat she couldn't have known was that it would be four more years beforeanother Jehovah's Witness, this time, an elder 2,000 miles away, would take aspecial interest in Erica's case. The elder had uncovered evidence, he says,that there were many more victims like Erica within Witness Kingdom Halls. Andnow he, too, was about to break with the church and go outside into whatWitnesses believe is the realm of Satan--the outside world--to expose thechurch's secrets.

LARSON: You talking to me right now, it's like you're talking to Satan.

Mr. BILL BOWEN: That's correct. I'm attacking God, is what they've said aboutit.

LARSON: In the view of the church, sitting down with us right now.

Mr. BOWEN: Yes.

LARSON (Voiceover): Bill Bowen is a candle maker in Kentucky, and a lifelongJehovah's Witness. It all began, he says, about two years ago when he wasfiling confidential church records at the local Kingdom Hall and stumbled onthis letter. It described an admission dating back to the 1980s, a molestationcase that he says the church had swept under the rug.

(Bowen making candles; letter; excerpts from letter)

LARSON: About how old was this child that was involved in this case?

Mr. BOWEN: As I reviewed the material, it appeared to me she was about 11 yearsof age.

LARSON (Voiceover): And the admitted molester? A man Bowen knew well, a fellowelder who got only a slap on the wrist from the church as was never reported topolice. Outraged, Bowen put a message on the Internet to see if there wereother similar cases. The response, he says, was an avalanche of pain andfrustration.

(Congregation singing; Bowen typing; responses on computer screen)

Mr. BOWEN: These were all Jehovah's Witnesses that had been molested andsilenced within the church.


LARSON (Voiceover) : Bill Bowen is not saying Jehovah's Witnesses have moremolesters than any other religious group. The problem, he says, is how thechurch handles the cases that come to its attention. Like the case of DanielFitzwater, a Jehovah's Witness elder in Nevada. Bowen discovered thataccording to the church's own internal records, church officials knew of 17girls who had accused Fitzwater of molesting them. But police say the churchnever passed that information on to them.

Bowen also learned that in New Hampshire Paul Berry beat and sexually torturedhis step-daughter, Holly Brewer, from the time she was four. But Holly'smother says that when she complained to church elders that Berry was beatingHolly and her other kids, the elders told her to be a better wife and to praymore. She also says they never informed police as required by state law. Thechurch denies that, saying she never told them of the abuse. Holly later ranaway from home and says she disfigured herself with tattoos and piercings inresponse to the abuse.


Ms. HOLLY BREWER: It started out by me internalizing the pain. It really did. It started by me, `I want to mess myself up. I want to make myself look asugly I can ***(as spoken)***. I don't want any guys to hit on me. I don'twant to be attractive to people.

LARSON (Voiceover): Both Paul Berry in New Hampshire and Daniel Fitzwater inNevada ultimately were convicted of sexual crimes and are now in prison. ButBill Bowen says many others in the church accused of sexual abuse have neverbeen reported to police. It's a claim he says he's heard, though not verified,from several hundred current and former church members. His conclusion:disturbing to day the least.

Mr. BOWEN: It's a pedophile paradise within the organization. I believe that.

LARSON: (Voiceover) But Bill Bowen is just one man in one congregation inKentucky. This woman, Barbara Anderson, worked for a decade inside Jehovah'sWitness headquarters. When Anderson saw Bowen's messages on the Internet, shesays she realized she had to tell him there was much more to the story,involving children in many of the 11,000 congregations across the country.

Ms. BARBARA ANDERSON: I don't believe that they're safe within their church.

LARSON (Voiceover): Anderson was a researcher at the Watchtower Society in theearly 1990s when a senior official there asked her to look into the church'shandling of sexual abuse cases. What she found, she says, sickened her:hundreds of molestation cases on record, all kept secret in churchfiles--secret not only from the outside world, but from the members themselves,the families, the mothers and fathers and children who trust the church islooking out for them.

Ms. ANDERSON: I believe that if they asked to see the congregation records,they will find that there are many envelopes with letters that discuss men--orwomen--in the congregation that were accused of molesting a child.

LARSON (Voiceover): Why would the church want to keep these cases secret andin-house? Anderson agrees that part of the problem is the church's distrust ofthe outside world, but she says it's not that simple. Anderson says whenchurch elders investigate crimes like child molestation, they followinstructions that may prevent them from taking action--ancient instructionstaken from the Bible itself.

Ms. ANDERSON: They basically use a scripture in I Timothy 5:19 that statesyou're not to make an accusation against an older man unless there are two orthree witnesses.

注:テモテ第一の手紙5章19節 (新世界訳)『年長者に対する訴えは、二人または三人の証人に基づくのでないかぎり認めてはなりません。』

LARSON: What are the odds that there are going to be two or three witnesses toan older man molesting a eight-year-old girl?

Ms. ANDERSON: No molester is going to have any witnesses, that's for sure.

Mr. BOWEN: The sum and total of their investigation will be going to apedophile and saying, `Did you do it? Nope? Well, OK. Guess we'd better goon then. Sorry we bothered you.'

(Talking on phone) Did he ask you any questions?

LARSON (Voiceover): Bill Bowen says if you want to get an idea of how thechurch sweeps cases under the rug...

(Bowen talking on phone; traffic on bridges)

Headquarters #1: (On phone) Good afternoon, Watchtower.

LARSON: (Voiceover) ...just listen to part of a conversation Bowen recorded alittle over a year ago with an official in the Jehovah's Witness legaldepartment.

Headquarters Receptionist: (On phone) Good afternoon, Legal Department.

LARSON: (Voiceover) Bowen calls seeking advice on how to handle a suspectedmolestation case involving a young girl and her father. Instead of being toldto report it to the police, Bowen is told to confront the suspected abuser.

(New York City; Bowen talking on phone)


Headquarters #2: (On phone) You just ask him again, `Now is there anything tothis?' If he says `No,' then I would walk away from it.

Mr. BOWEN: (On phone) Yep.

Headquarters #2: (On phone) Leave it for Jehovah. He'll bring it out.

Mr. BOWEN: (On phone) Yep.

Headquarters #2: (On phone) But don't get yourself in a jam.

LARSON: (Voiceover) Again, there was no insistence that this matter be broughtto the authorities in the outside world. Bowen says he was so upset by thewhole case he resigned as a church elder and vowed to help abuse victims. Hedidn't know that halfway across the country, Erica Garza as feeling the samefrustration as she prepared to face her molester in court.

LARSON: Did any of those elders, any of the people in the church stand up andspeak on your behalf?

Ms. E. GARZA: No.

LARSON: (Voiceover) But Erica Garza was about to find out that she wasn'treally all alone.


Announcer: From our studios in Rockefeller Center, here is Stone Phillips.

STONE PHILLIPS: She was just five years old when she says she was firstmolested by a respected member of her Jehovah's Witnesses congregation. Now ayoung woman, Erica Garza wants justice. She says church leaders threatened toexpel her if she went to the police, but she went anyway and now her allegedattacker is on trial for molestation and rape. Here with the conclusion to ourstory, John Larson.

LARSON (Voiceover): Erica Garza's accused molester, Manuel Beliz, showed up incourt with plenty of support.

Ms. GARZA: (Voiceover) His side was full of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Ms. GARZA: People I thought were my friends, but they were there to supporthim. And on my side was my family.

LARSON: (Voiceover) Even though Beliz had apparently confessed his crimesbefore church elders, it appeared to make little difference. He was expelledfrom the church, but only temporarily. Elders allowed him to rejoin the churchbefore the trial. John White, the congregation's top elder, explained at acourt hearing.

Mr. JOHN WHITE: (From audio tape) We're satisfied that he was repentant andcould be admitted to the congregation again. To us, we don't see a problem.

LARSON (Voiceover): White also told the court that when a church member iscalled before the elders and admits to a crime, they consider it a religiousconfession and that, just like a priest or rabbi, he and other elders have goodreason not to testify about it in court.

Mr. WHITE: (From audio tape) Jehovah's Witnesses do not want to harborcriminals or dangerous people. But we want the confidentiality because ifthat's taken away from us, why should a person ever confess anything?


LARSON: Did anybody say, `We understand the pain that this girl has gone through?'

Ms. E. GARZA: They say we--they feel sorry for me.

LARSON (Voiceover): Even without the church's help or the testimony of elderswho, Erica says, knew what had happened, in August of 1998 Manuel Beliz wasconvicted, guilty on two counts of rape and two counts of child molestation. Hewas sentenced to 11 1/2 years in prison, but two years into his term, hisconviction was overturned on a technicality over how the jury had beenselected. Erica had stood up, faced her abuser, even challenged her church,but now he was being let out of prison.

Ms. E. GARZA: I was so disappointed, I was sad, I was heartbroken and I didn'tknow what to do.

LARSON (Voiceover): Manuel Beliz was released from prison to await a new trial.

Last summer DATELINE found him back at the Kingdom Hall, about to join othersgoing door-to-door, evangelizing for the church.



Ms. E. GARZA: It just makes me so sad because I was raped and I was--I'm beingshunned, and he raped me and--and he's being loved. It just--it--it gives mechills up my spine just to think about it.

LARSON (Voiceover): How do Jehovah's Witness leaders respond to complaintsthat they're trying to bury cases like Erica's? They declined a requestfor an on-camera interview, but spoke to us off camera, and provided uswith a videotaped policy statement by spokesman J.R. Brown.

Mr. J.R. BROWN: (From videotape) Jehovah's Witnesses feel child abuse is anevil. It's an evil of our time, it's an evil in our society and so we abhor it.

LARSON (Voiceover): Church officials say they publish articles like this,educating members and training elders how to help abuse victims. The churchalso says elders are required to investigate any allegations of abuse, andsteps are taken to protect alleged victims from further abuse. And whileofficials acknowledge that molesters who repent are readmitted to church, theysay known molesters are not allowed to hold a position of responsibility withinthe church. They also insist that the church complies with all laws onreporting abuse in those states where it's required, even when there's only onewitness to the crimes. But in states where churches are not required toreport, they say they do not discourage victims from reporting abuse toauthorities.

Mr. BROWN: (From videotape) When it comes to the matter of reporting, thenthat's something the parents can decide. We certainly never tell them not toreport a case of child molestation.

LARSON (Voiceover): In a letter to DATELINE, the church's general council addsthat "it is possible that a few of the 77,799 elders of Jehovah's Witnesseshave not followed the direction that they have been given regardinginvestigating and reporting child abuse."

LARSON: What remains unanswered, though, is why the church gets involved at allwith investigating what are criminal matters. And just how often do they turnone of their own into authorities? We asked the church for some examples,proof that they're as tough as they say they are on members who abuse children. The church waited six months, but finally offered us two cases. And right awaywe noticed something. In both cases, the victims were Jehovah's Witnesses, buttheir alleged molesters were not. They were non-believers from outside thechurch.

(Voiceover) In fact, we could only find two cases where the church took anactive role in turning in one of its own, including the case of this man,Clement Pandello.

Offscreen Voice: Mr. Pandello...

LARSON: (Voiceover) Pandello, seen here in family videos...

Unidentified Girl: (From home video) ...in the middle.

LARSON: (Voiceover) ..confessed to church elders he'd molested his owngranddaughter.

Mr. CLEMENT PANDELLO: (From video) Have to kick you out of school if they put one in your head.

LARSON (Voiceover) :How did the church handle it? The parents of the youngvictim, Pandello's own son and daughter-in-law, also Jehovah's Witnesses, toldDATELINE the church pressured to agree to a deal in which Pandello pled guiltyto criminal sexual contact and endangering the welfare of a child. He wasgiven only probation, no jail time. And what did the church elders tellBarbara and Carl Pandello?

Mr. CARL PANDELLO: We should just let it go, that it's not Jehovah's time todeal with it.

LARSON (Voiceover): The church says that's not true, and the church apparentlydid disfellowship Clement Pandello two separate times. But each time theywelcomed him back. So where is this convicted child molester today, a man who,according to court records, has admitted molesting girls all his life? DATELINE found him going door-to-door, a Jehovah's Witness in good standing,evangelizing to people who know nothing about his record. His own son, Carl,says the church should know better.

Mr. CARL PANDELLO: He's a sexual predator. When he goes door-to-door, he has acraving for young, juvenile girls, as he puts it. He's looking at that child,having those immoral thoughts in his mind while he's there.

LARSON: You know the church now says they don't have a special problem. It's asocietal problem and they do everything they can to stop pedophiles fromhurting children within the Jehovah's Witness church. What do you say to them?

Ms. E. GARZA: Liars.

LARSON (Voiceover): Even though her accused rapist had been freed on atechnicality, Erica Garza was not about to let him off the hook. Last summer,nearly five years after she first came forward, Erica headed back to court.Once again, not one Jehovah's Witness from her former church came to supporther. But this time, she wasn't alone.

Mr. BOWEN: ...comments we've made from all over the country...

LARSON (Voiceover): That out-spoken elder from Kentucky, Bill Bowen, was there.

Mr. BOWEN: Just to even things.

LARSON (Voiceover) And Bowen had set up a new support group for sexuallyabused Jehovah's Witnesses. And more than 20 people who had heard about thecase through his Web site were there to support Erica.

Ms. GARZA: Thank you, everybody, for being here.These are people who don't know me, who flew from all over the place for me, tobe there for me because they realize, `Hey, you didn't do anything wrong.' Andit was so encouraging to see people there for me...

(Voiceover) ...as opposed for him.

LARSON (Voiceover): In court, Manuel Beliz took the stand. He denied molestingErica, but did admit touching her inappropriately. Once again, Beliz was foundguilty.

Ms. E. GARZA: Guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty.

LARSON (Voiceover): Erica Garza says she has found justice in spite of her church.

Ms. E. GARZA: Oh, I can't believe it. On all four counts.

Mr. GARZA: Just a little bit of justice. You deserve it.

Ms. E. GARZA: Thank you, God. Thank you, Lord.

LARSON (Voiceover): Her molester has been sent to prison for 11 1/2 years.

Ms. E. GARZA: Thank you for all your help, Bill.

Mr. BOWEN: Everything's over.

Ms. ANDERSON: You'll sleep well tonight, won't you?

Ms. E. GARZA: Yeah.

LARSON (Voiceover): All Erica wants now, she says, is for the church to changeits policy and give molestation victims simple advice.

Ms. E. GARZA: `Take it to the police.' Hey, encourage me to take it to the police. Don't tell me not to.

PHILLIPS: Erica Garza and Holly Brewer are both suing the Watchtower Societyand their local congregations. The church is fighting the lawsuits. Thechurch also told DATELINE that while some known pedophiles still godoor-to-door, they are not allowed to do alone.


Finally, four of the people DATELINE interviewed--former Elder Bill Bowen,Barbara Anderson and Carl and Barbara Pandello--are facing possible expulsionfrom their congregations.

Dateline NBC 番組終了




*** ものみの塔 1995年 11月1日号 27‐29ページ 「打ちひしがれた霊」を持つ人々のための慰め ***



ソロモンは賢明にも,「性急に訴訟を起こそうとして出て行ってはならない」と述べています。(箴言 25:8)もし,加害者の疑いをかけられている人が,依然として子供たちを虐待しているとみなせるもっともな理由があるならば,注意を促す必要があるかもしれません。そのような場合,会衆の長老たちは助けになれます。もしそのような理由がなければ,早まった行動をしないでください。結局,問題にしないでよいと思えるかもしれません。それでも,もし加害者の疑いをかけられている人と対決したいと思えば(予想される反応について自分がどう感じるかをまず検討した後),そうする権利があります。

“記憶”にさいなまれる人の心がいえてゆく時期に,気まずい状況が生じるかもしれません。例えば,ある人は,自分に性的いたずらをしたという鮮明な印象が残っている人と毎日顔を合わせるかもしれません。こうしたケースをどう扱うかについて規則を設けることはできません。「人はおのおの自分の荷を負うのです」。(ガラテア 6:5)親族,あるいは肉親の一人が加害者に思えることもあるかもしれません。しかし,加害者の疑いのある人を特定するとなると,“抑圧された記憶”の中にはあいまいな性質のものがある,ということを覚えていなければなりません。そのような状況にあって,事の白黒がはっきりしていないのであれば,少なくとも時折訪問したり,手紙を書いたり,電話したりするなどの方法で家族との接触を保つことは,聖書的な歩み方に付き従おうという本人の心がけを示すものとなります。―エフェソス 6:1‐3と比較してください


*** 新世界訳聖書 ガラテア人への手紙 6:5 ***
5 人はおのおの自分の荷を負うのです。

*** 新世界訳聖書 エフェソス人への手紙 6:1‐3 ***
6 子供たちよ,主と結ばれたあなた方の親に従順でありなさい。これは義にかなったことなのです。2 「あなたの父と母を敬いなさい」とあり,これは約束を伴った最初の命令です。3 すなわち,「それはあなたにとって物事が良く運び,あなたが地上で生き永らえるためである」。



長老たちのおもな務めは,牧者として行動することです。(イザヤ 32:1,2。ペテロ第一 5:2,3)とりわけ長老たちは,「優しい同情心,親切,へりくだった思い,温和,そして辛抱強さを身に着け(る)」よう,心を砕かなければなりません。(コロサイ 3:12)親切な態度で話に耳を傾けてから,人をいやす聖書の言葉を語るようにしましょう。(箴言 12:18)つらい“記憶”に悩まされている人の中には,様子を知るために定期的に訪問したり,電話をかけたりする長老たちに感謝を示す人々がいます。そうした接触のために多くの時間を割く必要はないとはいえ,そのことにはエホバの組織の気遣いが表われます。苦しんでいる人にとって,クリスチャンの兄弟たちが自分を本当に愛していることを知るのは,感情的な平衡を取り戻す点で大きな助けになるでしょう。

もし被害者が告発したいと思うならばどうでしょうか。 その場合,二人の長老たちはその人に,マタイ 18章15節の原則に調和して,その人が告発しようとしている人のところに自分から行って,問題について話すのが望ましいということを助言することができます。もし告発を考えている人が,相手に直接会って話すことが感情的にできないならば,電話や手紙でもできます。そうすれば,告発される人は,告発に対する答えをもって,エホバのみ前で自らの立場を明らかにする機会を得ることになります。その人は,自分が虐待したはずがないことを示す証拠さえ提出できるかもしれません。もしかしたら,告発された人が告白し,和解に至ることもあるかもしれません。そうなれば,本当によいことです。もし告白がなされたなら,二人の長老たちは聖書的な原則に従って問題を継続して扱うでしょう。

告発されても,もし当人がそのような事実はないと言うなら,長老たちは告発した人に,審理措置は何も講じられないことを説明すべきです。そして会衆は告発された人を引き続き潔白な人とみなすでしょう。聖書によれば,審理措置は,二人または三人の証人がいなければ取ることはできません。(コリント第二 13:1。テモテ第一 5:19)たとえ二人以上の人が,同じ人からの虐待を受けた“覚えがある”としても,そうした回想は至って当てにならない性質のものであるため,裏づけとなる他の証拠がない限り,審理上の決定を下す根拠にはなりません。これは,その種の“記憶”が事実無根とみなされる(もしくは,事実とみなされる)という意味ではありません。しかし,審理によってある問題を明らかにするに当たっては,聖書の原則に従わなければなりません


*** 新世界訳聖書 コリント人への第二の手紙 13:1 ***
13 わたしがあなた方のところに行こうとしているのはこれで三度目です。一切の事は二人か三人の証人の口によって確証されねばならない」のです。

*** 新世界訳聖書 テモテへの第一の手紙 5:19 ***
19 年長者に対する訴えは,二人または三人の証人に基づくのでないかぎり認めてはなりません。

Dateline NBC 動画(Windows Media Player)

 Dateline NBC - 05/28/2002
Part 1 (5.5MB)
Part 2 (3.7MB)
Transcript (HTML)

動画ソース: silentlambs.org - Education - Multimedia

2002/06/06 3:49
"silentlambs" permitted translation public presentation.

2002/06/06 public presentation. 一般公開

2003/05/16 Dateline画像追加、silentlambsサイト更新によりURL修正

長文を翻訳してくれた友人に感謝! ヽ(´ー`)ノ